Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who decides what students learn? What makes a good teacher? Fun facts to know and tell about the Internet and a handy photo resource.

During Black History Month our high school read Black Profiles in Courage by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and students learned about dynamic African-Americans who were never mentioned in their textbooks.  One student told me their lack of inclusion was because, "the winners write the books."  Who decides what our students learn?  The Common Core State Standards Initiative just published a draft of standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Science and Science.  Check out this fascinating article from the NY Times Magazine about how history/social science curriculum is formulated in Texas--How Christian Were the Founders.

March is Women's History Month.  Link to Women's History Month a resource that is "writing women back into history."

What makes a great teacher?  Doug Lemov, a founder of Uncommon Schools is trying to find out.  Read about his process and efforts of other researchers in the article Build a Better Teacher.

What are "18 Interesting Firsts on the Internet"?  Read the Tech Reader's blog to find out.  (A warning to those of us over 29-- this might make you feel old.)

Pictures offer powerful messages and are very useful for presentations when they are in the public domain.  Check out the Flickr Commons for public domain image collections from public institutions such as the Library of Congress and many university and museum collections such as the Getty.  Limit image searches to public domain photos using Yahoo Advanced Image Search